LOTUM media GmbH 应用

Icomania 1.7
LOTUM media GmbH
★★★★★ From the creators of #1 app "4 PICS 1 WORD”Celebs, brands, movies and more – can you guess what the icondepicts? Find out why the whole world loves Icomania and JOIN THE FUN!★SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY★Check out the icons, guess the answer and win! There are hundredsof puzzles to solve!★TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE★How well do you know pop culture? Icomania keeps you guessing withawesome icons depicting celebrities, movies, brands and more…★FEAST FOR THE EYES★Stunning handcrafted designs with icons that bring a smile to yourface =)★PURE, INSTANT FUN★No registration, no complicated rules – just instant fun! Getstarted now!
Bildkombo 1.2
LOTUM media GmbH
★★★★★VON DEN MACHERN DER #1-APPS ICOMANIA UND 4 BILDER 1 WORTKannst du das Wort erraten? Jedes Puzzle besteht aus zwei Bildern,die zwei unterschiedliche Wörter darstellen. Setze die beidenWörter zusammen, um das Lösungswort zu erraten!Erlebe selbst, warum alle Bildkombo lieben!★ KOMBINIERE DIE BEIDEN BILDER, UM DAS WORT ZU ERRATEN ★Wir zeigen dir zum Beispiel ein Bild von einem Pudel und ein Bildvon einer Mütze. Tadaaa! Das Lösungswort ist PUDELMÜTZE. Einfachdie Wörter zusammensetzen und gewinnen!★ UNZÄHLIGE FANTASTISCHE PUZZLES VON LEICHT BIS TRICKY ★Hunderte handverlesene Fotos bringen dich zum Knobeln – und zumLachen. Errate sie alle!★ SOFORT SPASS ★Keine Registrierung, kein Tutorial, keine komplizierten Regeln. Legeinfach los und hab Spaß!★ ★ ★ ★ ★THE MAKERS OF THE # 1-APPS ICOMANIA PICTURES AND 4 1 WORDCan you guess the word? Each puzzle consists of two imagesrepresenting two different words. Put the two words together toguess the key word!Experience for yourself why everyone loves Image combo!★ COMBINING THE TWO PICTURES TO THE WORD GUESSING ★We will show, for example, a picture of a poodle and a picture of ahat. Tadaaa! The solution word is POODLE HAT. Just the wordstogether and win!★ COUNTLESS FANTASTIC PUZZLE OF LIGHT TO TRICKY ★Hundreds of hand-picked pictures to take you to the puzzling - andlaugh. Guess it all!INSTANT FUN ★ ★No registration, no tutorial, no complicated rules. Leg just gohave fun!
Wordblitz for Friends 1.6.2
LOTUM media GmbH
★★★★★ Von den Machern der #1-App 4 BILDER 1 WORT! ★★★★★Wer findet die meisten Wörter innerhalb von 2 Minuten? Forderedeine Freunde und zufällige Gegner heraus und zeig's ihnen!Verbinde blitzschnell mit dem Finger Buchstaben zu Wörtern. Jemehr Wörter du im Buchstaben-Wirrwarr entdeckst, desto mehr Punkteholst du. Und lass dir beim Wortduell mit deinen Freunden nicht diewertvollen Bonus-Felder entgehen!Potz-Blitz, los geht's!★SPIEL, MIT WEM DU WILLST★Spiele eine entspannte Partie mit deinen Freunden oder miss dich imWettkampf mit den Besten!★SCHNELLER SPASS, UNENDLICHE ACTION★Dich erwarten immer neue Gegner und unzählige kniffligeSpielfelder, von denen keines dem anderen gleicht!★BLITZ DICH AN DIE SPITZE★Durch Erfolge steigerst du deinen Rang. Je höher dein Rang, destoanspruchsvollere Zufallsgegner werden dir begegnen.★INTUITIVE BLITZ-BEDIENUNG★Streiche mit dem Finger über die Buchstaben auf dem Spielfeld undbilde Wörter. Es ist so einfach, wie es klingt!★BRAUCHE ICH EINEN RIESENWORTSCHATZ?★Keine Sorge, basierend auf deinem Können werden ebenbürtige Gegnerfür dich ausgesucht. Spannende Partien sind bei der Wortsuche mitFreunden garantiert!Bereit deinen Freunden die besten Wörter wegzuschnappen?Hol dir WORDBLITZ FOR FRIENDS und LEG LOS!★★★★★ Fromthe makers of the # 1 App 4 PICTURES 1 WORD! ★★★★★Who can find the most words in 2 minutes? Challenge your friendsand random opponents and show it to them!Connect quickly with your finger letters into words. The morewords you in the letters mix discover, the more points you bring.And do not miss you at your word duel with your friends valuablebonus fields!Thunder and Lightning, let's go!★ GAME, WITH WHOM YOU WANT ★Play a relaxing game with your friends or test your skills incompetition with the best!★ FAST FUN UNLIMITED ACTION ★You always expect new enemies, and countless tricky playing fields,none of which are alike! FLASH ★ ★ YOU TO THE TOPThrough success you increase your rank. The higher your rank, themore sophisticated random opponents will meet you.INTUITIVE CONTROLS ★ ★ FLASHPranks with his finger over the letters on the field and formwords. It's as easy as it sounds!★ DO I NEED A GIANT VOCABULARY? ★Do not worry, based on your skills are selected evenly matched foryou. Exciting games are guaranteed in the word search with yourfriends!Ready your friends the best words to snatch?Get FLASH WORD FOR FRIENDS LEG and GO!
Pic Combo 1.3
LOTUM media GmbH
★★★★★FROM THE CREATORS OF THE #1 APPS ICOMANIA and 4 PICS 1 WORDCan you guess the word? Each puzzle consists of two picturesdepicting two different words. Just combine them to solve thepuzzle!Pic Combo is everyone’s new favorite game. Find out why!★ COMBINE THE TWO PICTURES TO GUESS THE WORD ★We’ll show you, for example, a pic of some BUTTER and of a FLY.Ta-da! The word is BUTTERFLY. Just combine the words and win!★ TONS OF AWESOME PUZZLES FROM EASY TO TRICKY ★Hundreds of handpicked photos will make you think – and smile.Solve them all!★INSTANT FUN ★No registration, no tutorial, no complicated rules. Just jump rightin and have fun!
Pic Combo (Français) 1.1
LOTUM media GmbH
★★★★★Des créateurs des applications populaires ICOMANIA et 4 IMAGES1 MOTPouvez-vous trouver le mot? Chaque devinette consiste en deuximages qui montrent deux mots différents. Combinez-les pourrésoudre l'énigme!Pic Combo est le nouveau jeu préféré de tout le monde. Découvrezpourquoi!★ COMBINEZ LES DEUX IMAGES POUR DEVINER LE MOT ★Vous verrez, par exemple, l'image d'une pièce d'OR et celle d'unANGE - le mot cherché est ORANGE. Combinez les mots et gagnez!★ DES TONNES D'ENIGMES DELIRANTES, DE FACILES A EPINEUSES★Des centaines de photos choisies à la main vous feront réfléchir --et sourire. Résoudrez-les toutes!★ DU PLAISIR INSTANTANE ★Sans inscription, sans tutoriel, sans règles compliquées. Vouspouvez juste commencer à vous amuser!★ ★ ★ ★ ★From the creators of popular apps and ICOMANIA 4 IMAGES 1WORDCan you find the word? Each quiz consists of two images show twodifferent words. Combine them to solve the riddle!Pic Combo is the new favorite of everyone Thurs Find outwhy!★ COMBINE THE TWO IMAGES TO GUESS THE WORD ★You see, for example, the image of an OR room and that of an ANGEL- search term is ORANGE. Combine words and win!★ TONS OF PUZZLES delirious OF EASY THORNY ★Hundreds of photos chosen by hand you will think - and smile. Solvethem all!INSTANT FUN ★ ★No registration, no tutorial, no complicated rules. You can juststart having fun!
Vero o falso - il gioco 2.4
LOTUM media GmbH
***** DAI CREATORI DEL GIOCO NR.1 NEL MONDO "4IMMAGINI 1 PAROLADecidi se le affermazioni sono vere o false. Ma pensa veloce, iltempo scorre! Fatti sorprendenti su diversi argomenti mettono allaprova le tue conoscenze generali il tuo ingegno! Ma fai attenzione,dichiarazioni false sono mescolate con fatti veri.MIGLIAIA DI FATTI INTERESSANTI- MA SONO VERI O FALSI?Metti la tua conoscenza alla prova! Che si tratti di geografia,scienza, cinema, musica, sport o qualsiasi altro argomenti.METTI ALLA PROVA LA TUA CONOSCENZA E SUPERA TUTTI ILIVELLI!Innumerevoli livelli in modalità giocatore singolo e ildivertimento non finisce mai - sicuramente giocando impareraiqualcosa di nuovo!DUELLI DI CONOSCENZA EMOZIONANTI MODALITÀ SCHERMO DIVISO!Sfida i tuoi amici! Due giocatori possono combattere uno control'altro sullo stesso dispositivo.SENZA REGISTRAZIONE, SENZA REGOLE COMPLICATE!Inizia a giocare e divertiti!***** THE CREATORS OF THEGAME IN THE WORLD No.1 "4 1 WORD PICTURESDecide whether the statements are true or false. But think fast,the clock is ticking! Amazing facts about different topics theytest your general knowledge your wits! But be careful, falsestatements are mixed with true facts.THOUSANDS OF INTERESTING FACTS-BUT TRUE OR FALSE?Put your knowledge to the test! Whether it's geography, science,cinema, music, sports or any other topics.PUT TO THE TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXCEEDS ALL LEVELS!Countless levels in single player mode and the fun never ends -playing definitely learn something new!Duels KNOW HOW EXCITING SPLIT SCREEN!Challenge your friends! Two players can fight against each other onthe same device.NO REGISTRATION, NO RULES COMPLICATED!Begin to play and enjoy!